Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I can remember being in highschool and having a huge crush on a guy in my class. I remember writing him notes and cruising past his house just hoping he would be outside. I would go to the football games and cheer for him and try to bump into him in the hallway. So highschool!!!!!
Well I am now learning how absolutely abnoxious and annoying that behavior was. My son has a group of girls who keep calling the house so they can talk to him. They leave silly mesages on Facebook and drive him crazy at school.
Now my son is only in the 6th grade, which really makes me nervous because it seems like kids are doing things at such an earlier age then we did when I was in school.
I just have to say: "I am so sorry J.C. Veach. I realize how annoying I had to have been in highschool and I am living in karma right now. Each time I answer the telephone and hear 3 or 4 girls laughing and asking to speak to Kennedy I get a flashback to highschool." Please don't let Kayleigh be like this next year when she enters middle school!!! We are going to have to have a mommy - daughter talk tonight!!!

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