Monday, February 8, 2010

Love and Laughter

As my children continue to grow up I continue to experience the sweetest love and best laughter ever. Tonight I got to squeeze my sweet monkey Kambree. She is so in to giving big hugs and wet slobbery kisses and I love every minute of it. She has started walking and teeter totters around the house with her arms out like a cute zombie (zombie isn't the best word, but just picture someone walking with their arms out and that is what I mean). She has just started saying "uh oh" and I had to laugh tonight when she ate her snack and began throwing it on the floor she would look at me and say "uh oh".
My son Kennedy and daughter Kayleigh are working very hard on their chores nightly; money is very important to this 11 and soon to be 13 year old, but tonight I didn't know rather to be pleased or disgusted. My son has the chore of cleaning the bathroom he shares with his sister and tonight when I went to put away washcloths in their bathroom I see the toilet scrubber in a pitcher of water sitting in the bathtub. Now this pitcher used to be a pitcher I would put tea or lemonade in but I think it is going to have to be retired and only used for cleaning now -- Yuck!!!
In the title of my post I used the word "love" and I experienced it tonight as I watched Kayleigh sort through old photos of herself as a baby. She is taking a scrapbooking class and wanted to choose baby pictures of herself to add to a scrapbook she is creating about herself. She was really working hard and was diligent and very specific in the photos she chose - it was very sweet - she is very sweet.
Nights at my house can be very uplifting!!!

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