Sunday, February 7, 2010

My To Do List: or Life Goals for the New Year

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an analyzer. I can analyze and over analyze any situation. I call this both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. Through analyzing and over analyzing I have noticed that it really helps me if I reflect on the situation so I can grow and become stronger. Through reflection of my journey in life so far I have found that if I create a list, a "To do:" list persay, I am able to accomplish or complete the tasks at hand with greater ease. I have decided to create a "To Do List:" which consists of Life Goals for the New Year for myself. I did not make any New Year's Resolutions this year because I am not good at following through or honoring the resolutions I create but when it comes to a "list" I am pretty good at following through or completing the tasks on the list. My "To Do List" will be a list of life goals I will be working on throughout the year. These goals might not all be met or mastered by the completion of this year, but I can promise I will be working towards the goals all year long. So here they are - My Life Goals!!!!!!

"To Do List - Life Goals for the New Year"
1. Find a church for my family to attend.
2. Get saved and be a Christian Model for my children.
3. Continue to pay off debt so I can become debt free.
4. Take time to take care of myself.
5. Reward/Pamper myself.
6. Work on my relationship with my significant other - Choose what is "right" for myself and my children.
7. Continue to add money to my savings - pay myself first.
8. Teach my children the importance of saving and how to save.
9. Work on becoming the "mommy" I want to be.
10. Become a "reader" and read a good book.

Now some of you might be reading this and think "she should be able to complete this in no time" or "trivial list - I can check many of those items off already", but for me, not so much so. I really want to complete this list because it contains goals that are near and dear to my heart. I am going to print several copies of this list off and place them in areas where I look often so I can remind myself what my "goals" are. As I work on a goal I will post a blurb on my page so you can follow me on my journey.

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